15 Oct

The appearance of your car is probably one of the most important features that reflect your attitude when taking care of your own car. All interior and exterior parts that are in your car will eventually wear out or malfunction due to some factors, but maintaining these parts can prolong their useful life and functionality.

An easy way to keep your car healthy is to keep your exterior shiny so it looks like it brought fresh from the nearest automotive dealership. You can do this simply by cleaning your car with the proper cleaning steps. Getting your car immersed every day in a car wash is a good idea, but it really costs you a lot of expenses. You can clean your car effectively by following these few guides.

First of all, you need to find a good car wash soap at the nearest dealerships and car stores so you can use it. Avoid using household detergents or liquid cleaners because these products may contain a high level of pH (acidity) and may damage your car's paint. You can only use acid-based wheel cleaners. Then find a shady spot, probably under a big tree to clean your car. Do not clean your car in the sunlight because the heat of the sun will cause the car to dry quickly and leave smudges on the outside of your car.

Video Source: ChrisFix

Get your cleaning tools (e.g. bucket or hose, sponge, brush, etc.) and start cleaning your wheels and tires? Check dirt on the road and them, especially between the grooves in your tires. Go and rinse the lower part of the car and remove annoying dirt, such as road tar, mud and other objects that have been trapped. This is an effective way, to begin with, the general cleanup process.

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